AVID and Dolby Labs recommended post production monitoring controllers and interfaces.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Boulevard des Productions, Strasbourg installs TMC-1 A-Mon, 7.1 Monitor Controller.

Boulevard des Productions exploits the advance Talkback and Listenback features of the TMC-1 A-Mon.

Owner of the studio George Pratts 
"The TMC-1 A-Mon is a very, powerful studio monitoring solution"

 TMC-1 A-Mon 7.1 Studio Monitor Controller

Initial TMC-1 + A-Mon Configuration

Main Output – Stereo Speakers
Alt Output – Not Used,  configured as 5.1 Meter output
Mini Out – Mono (Multiple VDU screens there was only enough space for one speakers!)

Main input – Not Used
Alt input – Pyramix
Stereo input 1
Stereo Input 2
Stereo Input 3
Stereo Input 4

Cue Output 1 Studio L/S
Cue Output 2 Waiting Room
Cue Output 3 Headphones 1
Cue Output 4 Headphones 2

Cue input 1 Pyramix
Cue Input 2 Pyramix
Cue input 3 Pyramix

T/B 1 Input Engineer 
T/B 2 Input Producer

Listen Input 1 Studio Screen 1
Listen Input 2 Studio Voice Over booth